My Goals for 2025


There is a lot to learn out there. Here is what I'm interested exploring in for 2025:

  1. Continue learning and using Rust for projects.
  2. Setup my Raspberry PIs as my personal servers.
  3. Check out Deno, again. Can it finally replace NodeJS?
  4. Get better at fundamentals like networking. I've never really learned OSI layers in depth.
  5. Get better at C#. This is for work.
  6. Really learn how Nginx works. It keeps popping up in my life.
  7. Get better at Linux. I use Arch, btw.


I really thought that I would have lost a few pounds since last year, but here I am, weighing exactly the same.

  1. Lose 20 lbs.
  2. Be able to do 20 pull ups.
  3. Workout something every day.


How do I do more without increasing stress? I saw a youtube video lately about enjoying the work that you're doing. I was really stressed out last year. Job-hunting early in the year and then making sure I kept that job took a lot out of me. By autumn, I was toasted. I couldn't find it in me to work on things for myself. A long holiday break has helped me get back into it.

  1. Try to write every day.
  2. Get better at writing.
  3. Have more organized thoughts.